This parameter sets the percentage of memory ( relative to the maximum heap size) to retain map outputs during the reduce phase. 这个参数设置用于在reduce阶段保存map输出的内存的百分比(相对于最大堆大小),默认值是0。
April in Southern area is foggy with relative humidity approaching the maximum of100%. 南方四月的天气多雾,相对湿度接近最高的100%。
Based on above formula, this paper raises a core objective of retailing sales and marketing strategy, which is to create relative maximum purchasing decision-making modulus value in competitive market on certain conditions. 以顾客决策系数公式为基础,本文提出了零售企业营销决策的核心依据:在一定的约束条件和目标条件下,在竞争市场,为目标顾客创造相对最大的购买决策系数值。
The relative content of RNA was maximum in the meristem region, but decreased continuously during the growth of tissue. RNA的相对含量则与之相反,在分生区细胞中含量最高,成熟区细胞中含量最低。
Results The numerical example shows that fuzzy relative entropy method and maximum minimum closeness method have the same results for fuzzy pattern recognition. 结果数值例子说明模糊相对熵方法和最大最小贴近度方法得出了一致的模糊识别的结果。
When laser operating parameters change, the optimal delay has larger variation relative to maximum amplification region ( 10 ns). 当激光工作参数改变时,最佳延时相对于最大放大区(10ns)有较大的变化。
In Qingling mountainous area, errors are relative small and the maximum relative error is 17.8%. 秦岭山区地表起伏大,误差较黄土丘陵地区小,最大相对误差为17.8%。
3) The relative maximum height of the upcast barbell center ( the percentage relative to the height of the body) was high. 3)杠铃上抛最高点相对高度(与身高的百分比)高;
The relative higher instantaneous and maximum growth rate, prior entry into fast growth period guaranteed K fertilizer the document factor during alfalfa height development. 苜蓿生长发育中钾肥在增大内禀增长率,提高生长速度,使苜蓿较早的进入速生期而起主导作用。
Compared with the experimental results, the relative errors of the maximum structure displacement obtained by the equivalent damper method are all beyond 90%; 计算结果表明按等效阻尼方法计算最大结构位移与试验结果对比,相对误差在90%以上;
Then lateral displacements were computed under wind loading, with the change of different storey and connection relative stiffness, the effect on maximum displacement and storey relative displacement were studied. 在风荷载作用下结构的侧移进行了计算,分析了层数以及连接相对刚度对结构的顶层最大位移和层间相对位移的影响;
The relative maximum wave pressure and the relative maximum wave forces are systematically analyzed. After comparison of wave forces on a vertical wall with different slopes is made, a conversion relation is given. 系统分析了直墙上相对最大压强和相对最大总力,对不同斜坡直墙波浪力进行比较后,给出了它们之间的比较关系。
The relative content of protein was maximum in the elongation region, but minimum in the meristem region. 蛋白质的相对含量则在伸长区细胞中最高,分生区细胞中最低。
Starting with the relation between λ as eigenvalue of the stiffness of high rise frame shear wall structure and curve of lateral displacement, a relational expression is established between λ and ξ max, the relative height of the floor having maximum harizontal shear within general frame. 从高层框-剪结构刚度特征值λ与侧移曲线的关系入手,建立总框架最大水平剪力层的相对高度ξmax与λ的关系式。
So the linear programming method for the estimation of GM ( 1, 1) model parameter is given in minimization average relative error criterion or minimization maximum relative error criterion, respectively, and the calculation results are compared with different minimization criteria by practical examples. 在平均相对误差达到最小准则或最大相对误差达到最小准则时,分别给出了估计GM(1,1)模型中参数的线性规划方法,并通过实例给出了不同极小化准则下数值结果的对比。
Calculation results show that using minimization average relative error criterion or minimization maximum relative error criterion is much more reasonable than the least square criterion, and the calculation result is much better. 数值结果表明,采用平均相对误差达到最小准则和最大相对误差达到最小准则比通常采用的最小二乘准则更合理,效果更好。
The relative waveforms, such as maximum frequency, mean frequency and bandwidth, were obtained using the short time Fourier analysis of those simulated signals. 对这些仿真信号进行短时傅里叶分析,求出相应的最大频率、平均频率和频谱宽度等曲线。
The experimental results proved that ( 1) there is an additional cyclic strain hardening effect caused by non-proportional loading, and ( 2) the relative orientation between maximum shear plane and free surface plays significant role on fatigue life. 非比例加载引起的附加循环硬化;(2)最大剪切平面与自由表面相对取向对疲劳寿命的影响;
Effects of the load and relative humidity on the maximum static friction and sliding friction of Si ( 100) wafer were studied under micro-loads using a self-built apparatus for micro-friction tests. The test results show that effects of the load and relative humidity on micro-friction are significant. 利用自制的微摩擦和粘附力测试装置,研究了在微牛量级载荷下,载荷和相对湿度对Si(100)材料与Si3N4材料组成的摩擦副的最大静摩擦和滑动摩擦的影响。
It is shown that the Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction can be distinguished by the relative error of their maximum intensity. The result is consistent with that for the case of two circular apertures. 研究表明,可用其最大光强的相对误差来区别夫琅和费和菲涅耳衍射,所得结果与两个圆孔情况一致。
D/ h increases with the increase of a ( the relative height of the maximum foliage density layer) and γ u ( the wind extinction coefficient within canopies). 随群体中最大密度层的相对分布高度和风速递减指数的增大,d/h增大。
The relative factors are discussed: maximum allowable pressure inside the site, permeating coefficient of of MSW, bio-gas production rate, diameter of the well, etc. 同时讨论了影响控制范围的各主要因素:垃圾层中最大允许压力、垃圾层的透气性能、垃圾的产气速率等。
Therefore, it is possible to use the maximum correlation value between model trace and Common-Receiver-Point ( CRP) gathers for realizing maximum stack power and further to pick the statics of CRP relative to maximum values. 因而,可以在共接收点(CRP)叠加剖面上,使模型道与CRP叠加道的相关值达到最大来实现叠加能量最大,进而拾取最大相关值所对应的CRP点的静校正量。
It is demonstrated that initial fracturing pressure and initial fracture configuration is obviously correlated to the orientation of the horizontal hole relative to the direction of the maximum horizontal stress. 其结果表明,初破裂压力及初裂缝形态,与钻孔水平段相对于水平主应力方向的取向明显相关。
Theories are verified by system simulation. Finally, system parameters are optimized for CMOS chip design. That is to say, choose a proper transmitting power, the operation distance will tend to reach a relative maximum, under the limitation of reader sensitivity. 最后,针对阅读器的芯片设计进行了系统参数的优化,即在受限于阅读器接收机灵敏度的条件下,选取合适的阅读器发射功率,使得射频识别系统的工作距离达到相对最大。
The changing characteristic of frequency spectrum of acceleration curve and the relative relationship of the maximum value of acceleration of the symmetrical points at both left side of left tunnel and right side of right tunnel are revealed. 探明了左隧道左侧与右隧道右侧对称各点的加速度曲线频谱特性变化特点及其加速度最大值的相对关系。
The relative conductivity reached to maximum after drought stress for 10d and it was high up to 48.3% under the full daylight and down to 31.7% under the 60% shading. 相对电导率在干旱10d时达到最大值,且全光照下相对电导率最高,为48.3%,而遮光60%最低,为31.7%。